Sunday, February 7, 2010

Why Do I Always Get Stomach Cramps Why Do I Always Get Cramps On My Stomach When I Work Out? Specially When I Do Sit Ups?

Why do I always get cramps on my stomach when I work out? Specially when I do sit ups? - why do i always get stomach cramps


1. They are full or have eaten too little. Wait at least 1 hour before training, 1.5 hours, if your stomach muscles

2. Dehydrated - drink plenty of water

3. The abdominal muscles are rigid and must be strengthened. Try this before developing your abs:
- Lying on his stomach
- Place your hands on the floor near the armpits
- Press the top of his body so that his legs on the floor until you feel comfortable
- Keep repeating for at least 15 seconds, 3 times

All or part of it should help unless you have a big problem.


manhatta... said...

not to work immediately after eating or drinking.
Wait approximately 3 hours.

Himitsu said...

because their muscles tighting ..

If you think it's really good =]

Natalie said...

because the food in your digestive system begins to move quickly - the gut to get to work the pressure of the abdominal muscles.

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